
Homeless Essay


Homeless Essay

In the opinion of competent writers from custom essay services, the homeless essay should be written in accordance with the academic requirements of your institution.  There are different formats (for example, MLA, APA, and Harvard) for writing and formatting your essays.  In addition, the homeless essay should have a clear thesis statement, relevant introduction, well-supported body and summarizing conclusion.  Below is a nicely written essay on racism and poverty.  The sample is closely related to the topic of homeless. If you need help with writing your homeless essay, do not hesitate to ask our professional essay writers for assistance.  We are working 24/7 and our writing services are affordable.  No plagiarism:!

Homeless Essay: FREE SAMPLE

Racial discrimination was a serious problem for all nineteenth-century Black Bostonians, but it was especially unjust to homeless Black children excluded from the emerging child welfare system. American social welfare as a whole operated on the principle that all but a few households were self-supporting nuclear families able to care for their own children. Only minimal social services were considered necessary to care for a minority of dependent or delinquent children from broken or inadequate families. This view constrained all ethnic and racial minorities by ignoring social stresses on impoverished families outside mainstream American culture because of their race, class, religion, ethnicity, or recent arrival in the industrial city. The underlying philosophy of the Victorian American social welfare system, which assumed that all families would be in social and economic harmony with the community, overlooked actual urban industrial conditions. According to the coursework writing service able to help you with any papers, these conditions were formidable obstacles for all poor households, but when combined with racial prejudice they often proved overwhelming to Blacks. Together poverty and racism produced stresses on Black parents qualitatively and quantitatively different from those white parents faced. The child welfare system served all children badly, but this problem was exacerbated in the case of Black children in Boston where the Black community was not sufficiently affluent (like the Yankees) or large (like the Irish) to create their own child welfare organizations.

Racism not only excluded Blacks from admission to private asylums, but it gradually forced a disproportionate number of Black children into public institutions. Blacks were over-represented in the Monson, Lancaster, and Westborough Schools by 1876 and under-represented in the Board of State Charities' and private agencies' foster homes. Racism also limited the number of Black children occasionally admitted to the BCAS asylums in Newton and Foxborough as well as the number admitted to the NEHLW and Catholic asylums, the HAG, HDCC, and HGS. In addition, racism (and slavery, which was the major child welfare institution for Black children until 1865) denied Blacks a role in managing or influencing child welfare organizations. Ask the professional writers to create a similar essay for you. Exclusive white control was justified by the circuitous reasoning that few Blacks were served by these organizations or contributed to their support. This influenced Massachusetts child welfare indirectly because racism and slavery retarded every type of social welfare reform for American children of all races. It created inordinately low moral standards by which the care of all poor children was measured.

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