
The Necklace Essay


The Necklace Essay

The Necklace essay should be written in accordance to standards of academic essay writing. It means that the Necklace essay should have a clear introduction with the thesis statement, a detailed body with the thorough analysis of all relevant details, and a summarizing conclusion.  You may find the following custom essay samples helpful.  If you would like to try professional essay writing services, do not hesitate to request assistance of our essay writers.  Our writers are available 24/7 to help you with writing the most challenging assignments on any topic. Essay writing service is of high quality!

The Necklace Essay Sample

The proponent of the individualistic version of the moderate view might also go further and maintain not only that it can be good to like some indifferent things and dislike others but also that it can be better to like some indifferent things even more than one likes some good things and to dislike other indifferent things even more than one dislikes some bad things. The advocate of such a view might well admit that some things are so greatly good and others so greatly bad that it would be bad if one who had experience or knowledge of them were to like some indifferent thing more than he likes any of these greatly good things or to dislike some indifferent thing more than he dislikes any of these greatly bad things. He might also readily admit that it is difficult in the extreme, if not in fact impossible, to distinguish precisely and unerringly between those things that fall within the classes of greatly good or greatly bad things and those that do not. Such admissions, however, are consistent with the view that it can be good to like some indifferent things more than some good things and to dislike other indifferent things more than some bad things. Thus on such a view it can be good that a widow like and treasure more some indifferent bauble given her long ago by her now dead husband than some exquisite diamond necklace willed her by some distant relative. She might well recognize that as pieces of jewelry the necklace has far greater aesthetic value than the bauble she cherishes, as she also might well recognize that it would be unreasonable of her to expect others to like the bauble more than the necklace. She might well realize, that is, that as a piece of jewelry the necklace is exquisitely good, the bauble indifferent. Yet despite this she cherishes the bauble more than the necklace because the former and not the latter was given her long ago by her now dead husband, and on the view in question it is or can be good that she do so.

The proponent of the view in question might go further and maintain that it would also be good if our widow liked the necklace more than the bauble. On such a view each of two conflicting attitudes on her part would be good. Her liking the bauble more than the necklace would be good but so also would her liking the necklace more than the bauble. Although she cannot like each more than the other, she can like either more than the other, and, regardless of which of the two she likes more than the other, her liking it more than the other would be good.

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