
Mid Term Paper


Mid Term Paper: The Main Issues

The mid term paper can be devoted to a topic “Environment protection”. The problem of the given research has topical character in modern conditions. Frequent studying of the lifted questions proves it.

Mid term paper is devoted to research questions. Basically, the material stated in the educational literature has the general character and in numerous monographs on the given subjects narrower questions of a problem “Environment protection” are considered. However, the account of modern conditions is required at research of a problematic of the designated topic.

The topicality of the present mid term paper is caused, on the one hand, by the big interest to a topic “Environment protection” in a modern science and society, on the other hand, by its insufficient studying. Consideration of questions connected with the given subjects carries both theoretical, and the practical importance.

Theoretical value of studying of a problem “Environment protection” consists in the problematic consideration of several scientific disciplines.

The Problems While Writing Mid Term Paper

Within the limits of assignment, the student should find an object in view by the author decisions and solve following problems:

  1. To study theoretical aspects and to reveal the nature “Environment protection”;
  2. To tell about a problem topicality “Environment protection” in modern conditions;
  3. To state possibilities of the solving problems;
  4. To designate tendencies of development of subjects “Environment protection”.

The Structure Of Mid Term Paper

Mid term paper has traditional structure and includes introduction, the basic part consisting of 3 chapters, the conclusion and the list of the used literature.

  • In introduction the topicality of a topic, an object and research problems are proved, methods of research and information sources are characterized.
  • The first chapter of the mid term paper opens the general questions, reveal historical aspects of a problem. The basic concepts are defined.
  • In the second chapter the modern problems are in more details considered.
  • The third chapter has practical character and on the basis of separate data the analysis of a modern condition becomes.

By results of mid term paper research a number of the problems concerning the topic has been disclosed and conclusions are drawn on necessity of the further studying/improvement of a condition of a question.

Theoretical and methodological basis of carrying out of research were acts, standard documents on a mid term paper topic.

The Table Of Contents While Writing Mid Term Paper:

  • Introduction
  • Ecology and wildlife management as one of global problems of mankind
  • Problems of a condition of environment
  • Global environmental problems: prospects of development and the decision
  • Problems of environmental contamination
  • Pollution of atmosphere
  • Chemical pollution of natural waters
  • Pollution of soil
  • The basic mechanisms of management of wildlife management
  • The basic concept of wildlife management and the mechanism of nature protection activity
  • Concepts of world development taking into account ecological restrictions.
  • The cores ecological, nature management
  • Conclusion

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