
Essay Writing on Religion


Essay Writing on Religion 

Every human is granted the freedom to choose any religion he wants to. The proficient writers from custom essay service are sure that writing an essay on religion or religious experience can be a challenging task for you especially if you do not have religious beliefs or the religion you have to write about is not familiar. If your teacher does not give the specific topic to write an essay on religion, you may write your essay about religion in general. Alternatively, your essay writing can be focused on the similarities or differences in the global religions.  It is a good idea to write an essay about the recent non-traditional religious views, the adaptation of the religion to the changing world and the role of the religious leaders in global life.  If you do not know how to start writing an essay or you have no access to the resources, you may confidently rely on the professionalism of our custom essay writers.  Our essay writers are experienced in essay writing and are qualified to assist you with your essay.  Essays written with our assistance are customized; it means that every essay we deliver is written from scratch.  A custom written essay is plagiarism-free and properly referenced.  The following essay writing on religion excerpt is written by one of our professional writers to give you an opportunity to review the quality of our custom essay writing services. Do not hesitate to try our professional essay writing editing services!

Essay Writing on Religion: Excerpt

This is the sample of religion essay writing, if you look for more essay examples, check this post:

There are reasons that psychologists should focus on spirituality and religion in understanding normal development. Worthington (1989) identified five of these reasons. First, a high percentage of people in the United States identify as religious, therefore because this is impacting many of our clients we should be well educated in this area (Worthington, 1989). In a 1978 poll, over 90% of people reported that they believe in a divine being and 30% identified their religious faith as strong (Worthington, 1989).  More recently the Gallup Foundation (1996) found that 94% of those surveyed reported a belief in “God or a universal spirit” and 87% identified this belief as important or very important (p.51). Therefore, religion and spirituality have been a constant meaningful factor in peoples' lives.  Secondly, many who are going through emotional crisis consider religion (Fowler, 1986 and Cobble, 1985).  Worthington recognized that people are more likely to seek out a pastor regarding their problems than a psychologist he reports that it is valuable to understand why this discrepancy exists (Worthington, 1989). Don't forget that you can get a high-quality essay writing assistance on this site. Thirdly, many, even religious clients, are reluctant to bring up their religious considerations as part of secular therapy (Worthington, 1989). Worthington reports that this reluctance may be due to the fear of being misunderstood, the fear that they may not be fairly heard, or that counseling may affect clients religious faith (Worthington 1988). Fourthly, in general therapists are not as religiously oriented as their clients and this may cause difficulties such as trust issues and disparate values with religious clients (Worthington, 1989). This point has been contested by Bergin (1991) who found that 76% of professionals agreed with the statement, “I try hard to live by my religious beliefs”. Finally, therapists may be less informed about religion than their clients because as outsiders, they perceive fewer distinction in religious variables, they may be less religiously mature than their clients, or they may not be familiar with the narrow denominational terms which clients may define in their religion (Worthington, 1989). In addition to Worthington's reasoning, there have been researched findings to support the recognition of spirituality and religion in therapy. It has been found that clients believe religious concerns are appropriate for therapy (Ansley, Rose, & Westefeld, 2001). In spite of Worthington's arguments and research findings for the impact of religion on clients and counseling Bergin (1991) found that only 29% of professionals viewed religious matters as important to treatment. There are specific issues related to religion and spirituality that present themselves in therapy.

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