
Essay How to Learn a New Language


Essay How to Learn a New Language

If you have to write an essay on how to learn a new language, you have found the right place to get help.  The following essay sample is written by one of our writers. It may help you generate fresh topics and ideas for your own essay writing:  Essay on how to learn a new language should include at the least four elements:

1) theories (you need to identify several theories affecting the learning of a new language)

2) motivation (for example, you may affect how motivation affects the success in learning a new language)

3) age (there are several interesting studies exploring the impact of age on learning a new language)

4) specific recommendations (you need to include specific pieces of advice or step-by-step guidance on how to learn a new language for an adult person, for example). Check this step-by-step essay writing guide to reveal more information. 

The above elements should be mentioned in your essay on how to learn a new language. Of course, you need to think about more elements to include in your essay. The first step is to think about the structure. What do you want to cover in your essay?  If an essay is informal, you may choose to write it in a form of step-by-step guide to learning a new language. If an essay is formal, you need to back these steps with specific theories and evidence from reliable sources.

If you want to have a well-written essay on how to learn a new language, you may use our essay writing editing services.  We guarantee:

  • on time delivery
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Essay Sample

It is as difficult for psychologists to agree about learning as it is for a group of theologians to agree on a definition of sin. It is possible to distinguish at least 10 theories of major importance ( Hilgard, 1948), and each of these 10 undergoes modifications in the hands of its different proponents. To simplify the situation, we shove all the various theories into one or the other of two categories. From each category, we then synthesize a theory that the different theorists endorse in spirit if not in detail.

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The first type of theory has behind it two centuries of philosophical and psychological speculation. It analyzes behavior into elements, studies the elements independently, and discovers laws governing the combinations of elements. Originally the component elements were ideas and images, but the modern proponents of association theory prefer to speak of more tangible stimuli and responses. It is typical for association theorists to emphasize the importance of learning as an explanation of behavior, and to talk of the stimulus-response connections that a person acquires during the course of his life.

The alternative view, field theory, is a protest against association theory. Field theorists do not build the action pattern out of its component parts. The parts, they feel, have significance only in terms of the total configuration of the parts, and a change in any part of the whole may affect all the parts. They feel no compulsion to use only behavioral evidence, and some of their best examples derive from an introspective account of personal experiences. They tend to emphasize the structure or configuration of the organism at the time an action is performed; the history of the organism is not the most fruitful way to describe its present state. Since the organismic configuration is principally inherited and subject to only minor variations in different environments, they tend to emphasize the importance of hereditary factors as an explanation of behavior.

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